So FFG have backtracked like a bunch of cowards and made it so both the old and new damage deck for X-Wing are usable in tournaments for the foreseeable future. Now people can just pick the old deck which has stuff that doesn't affect some lists at all, good going. Interviews and such had their lead designer explain why the new deck was more fair and balanced for competitive play and I see why. But a bunch of whiners and cheapskates were complaining that they shouldn't have to buy the new core set for competitive play.
A miniatures game with its first "mandatory" update in almost 4 years after it started is amazing. Other table top games change that shit every year. The old damage deck doesn't affect certain lists much at all, the new damage deck affects all ships no matter what equipped, this is nonsense. If you claim you can afford the entry fee for multiple tourneys and such, but can't drop money on a damage deck off eBay or buy the new core set, you're a liar.
I hope it's just temporary and they have the old core set update with the new deck in the next batch they release. Because that is the only problem I see, new players picking up the old set for the classic ships and finding out they can't use the deck - That is the only valid reason for this at the moment, but even then it's a weak one. What new player jumps straight into tournaments.
Here above is the old card, allowing you to still use actions on upgrade cards, the one's you're more likely to use anyway some would argue.
Here above is the new one, notice how it actually matters more, making it important to get rid of it. This is just one example, but there are more.
I know probably no one will read this, but I had to get it off my chest.
I do agree with you but my only issue is that the old core sets are still being sold with the old deck in them. So some one that is getting into the game with maybe the intention of playing in a few events need to be made aware of the change. I think there should of just been a grace period for a change over for them to change over the deck in the old core set.
ReplyDeleteI wouldn't mind trying a game with you with us using the 2 different decks to see how it goes for interest sake.
It would seem you didn't bother to read my post properly, I pointed out that very thing as the only valid reason for complaint right above the first card image.
DeleteBut even then, some basic research would tell a player which core set you would need for competitive play. I hope it is just a grace period, because as someone who has bought new core sets, partly in the understanding that they would be mandatory, I'm a bit pissed off.